Media Language Analysis

 04 October

LO/ to analyse a media text using Media Language

This is a medium long shot, otherwise known as a cowboy shot. The reason i think they have used this shot type is to show the objects in his hands and to focus on them. He has a gun in his hands and gloves on, important information to see. If they had used a long shot, we wouldn't have picked up on these details as easily. We can connote from looking at his facial expression and body language that he is serious and has somewhere to be and something to do - we can tell this from the way he is dressed aswell, he is in less formal wear than usual, maybe trying to look casual or blend in, but also could be trying to hide from somebody? He is holding a gun and wearing gloves, connoting to us that he is going to kill someone or has something serious to take care of. The background of this poster is gold, the colour gold connoting wealth or money to the audience. 

Having watched the trailer for this film there are many diegetc sounds we can hear from the clips they have put in. For example, in some of the scenes with the car-chases, they have kept in the noises of the car engines and cars revving for a dramatic impact and to show us that there is a lot of action taking place. The noises of explosions and gun shots add more atmosphere to what we are watching, and imply the excitment and drama in the scene.
During the detalied scenes and bits with dialogue, they slow down between cuts and the music is a lot quieter. Gradually, the cuts are quicker and louder and become more intense. They also use fade-to-black transitions, which is really commonly used to show a change in time and position. At the end they use the really quick pace cuts to add emphesis and dramatic effect, drawing in the viewer and adding suspense. 

11 October 
L.O. to analyse a media text using Media Language 
In the Tenet trailer, they used quicker music over the more intense scenes to make it more intriguing and dramatic. (soundtrack)

In the Dune trailer, there are many different soundtrack elements for us to pick apart. For example, the director has used faster music over the intense scenes to give a dramatic effect for the viewers, and making it more intriguing and thrilling to watch. The voiceovers on the trailer are explaining to the viewer what is going on and giving us some context, so we know what we are watching. All of the diegetic sounds like weapons being used, people talking and fight effect sounds were left in on purpose because they are important to the context of the scenes and weapons connote drama and thrill which will draw the audience into watching the actual film. We are being shown these because they tell us what sort of genre of film we are watching ( science-fiction/ fantasy drama) and wether they have made the decision to leave certain sounds in indicates to us the importance of what we are hearing. 

An example of mise-en-scene in the Dune trailer is the characters outfits and what they can connote to us, like the way all of the people have tubes running out of their nose can give the impression that maybe there is toxic air or difficulty to breathe - these tubes also look like the type of ones that people put on oxygen wear, again linking to the impression of difficulty to breathe, striking curiosity in the viewer and making them want to watch it. Everyone we can see in the trailer are also wearing sort of scarfs around their head, maybe trying to hide their face. A different connotion from this could be that it is to protect them from their environment, (environment being a sandy dessert) when we know it is common for people to wear scarfs on their head in the desert to protect themselves from the dust and the sand. 
13 0ctober

After having watched the trailer for Top Gun Maverick, you can see the camerawork is very impressive with a range of different shot types and angles that have been well chosen and displayed. We can see many examples of close ups, especially when the characters are in the planes to give us a realistic view of them and to display to the audience what it would really be like to be in that position, while still keeping us entertained and focused on the importance of what they are showing in the shot.

Like here, we can see medium close up and the close up shots being used one after another in between cuts; this is being shown to intensify the scene and for us to really focus on the character and what is going on with him during this moment and for the viewer to really pay attention to what he is saying and doing. These types of shots have been used throughout the trailer and they really help us to see                                                           which characters are of importance to us as 
the audience.

Of course the trailer wouldn't have had such significance without the soundtrack decisions - for example it gives us a feel for what sort of genre film we are watching, like the diegetic sounds such as gunshots, plane engines, gasps and shouting can connote to us we are watching an action / adventure film. But for the non-diegetic sounds like the added in music, we wouldn't get the dramatic feeling of build up or the feeling something important is happening without it. The soundtrack is also very important when it comes to trailers because if we are hearing certain characters or people speaking, this is probably something we should want to pay attention to seeing as the decision has been made to keep this in the trailer, showing us that this piece of dialogue is gonna be important. 


  1. Excellent first analysis Matilda
    WWW: you've used accurate terminology & explained why certain elements were used
    EBI: Explain WHY those specific sound elements you mentioned were used


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